The Parasol Group

Fundacja Wielkie Serce dla Dzieci
ul. Kopalniana 2 38-400 Krosno
tel. + 48696042270 +48 600 837 231

Actions taken to help Ukraine, refugees, and integrate refugees in Poland.

Aid activities that we address at people coming from Ukraine:
ACTIVITY 1 :: Collecting gifts and food
ACTIVITY 2 :: Psychological help
ACTIVITY 3: Legal assistance
ACTIVITY 4 : A therapy room with a Ukrainian-speaking psychologist
ACTIVITY 5 :: Information
ACTIVITY 6 :: Coordination of volunteers and translators in the city
ACTIVITY 7 :: Co-organization of shipments of gifts and food to Ukraine
ACTIVITY 8 :: Distributing gifts and food for people from Ukraine
ACTIVITY 9 :: Renovation of a common room for integration with people from Ukraine

Collecting gifts in Krosno.

Collecting is still in progress, and the gifts are transferred to the borders on an ongoing basis and issued to people and organizations that accept refugees. We helped organize a dozen or so shipments of gifts and food to Ukraine, to places where children with disabilities, children from orphanages, and a maternity hospital reside.
In Krosno, we have taken care of several groups of families from Ukraine, it is already about 500 people, including 394 children.

We have launched the Play Therapy Room.
Play Therapy is a therapeutic method that uses children's basic activity, which is playing. Through play, children are supported therapeutically - the therapist has an active role
in play. By adjusting to children emotionally, s/he gives them the opportunity to express themselves through play,. Due to the unconditional acceptance of therapists, children have the opportunity to express and be themselves. During the therapy, artistic activities, creative work, painting, drawing and role playing are used. During therapy, children have free access to "therapeutic tools" such as toys, blocks, and a sandbox. Part of the therapy is Messy play, i.e. dirty play with slimes or ordinary water and sand (mud! :)), molding clay or plasticine. Children show their world through movement, playing instruments, dancing. Hand puppets and dolls will tell many stories, and they don't need any words to be heard. Therapeutic play allows children to show their world in miniature. The therapy room is child-friendly, full of children's worlds, and due to this, it will allow children to develop, solve problems, gain self-confidence and increase self-esteem.

We coordinate psychological assistance for children and families from Ukraine in the city of Krosno. Seeing the needs of teenagers crossing the borders, we organized the "Youth
for Youth" campaign, in which we encourage to prepare a complete set of clothes and cosmetics for teenagers. We constantly respond to the perceived needs.

We organize a workshop with David Little, a guest from the USA, who, together with his wife, is a Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) and Circle of Security Parenting
(COSP) trainer. They work with families in the United States, but also make three or four international trips each year to train parents who raise and adopt children in other
countries. "Understanding the child that I have, and not whom I expect" is a part one of the workshops. To the second one he will be invited in May. The workshop will be held at the
Po-Moc Diagnosis and Psychotherapy Center, ul. Dąbrowskiego 33a, on April 11 or 12 this year. From 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

We organize workshops on Friendship Cards. They are an innovative educational tool aimed at improving users' quality of life. They can be treated both as a preventive tool (they teach children to recognize and name their emotions and feelings and resolve conflicts before they even occur) and as a therapeutic tool (they show that negative behavior does not lead to solving a problem or conflict; what to do to solve a difficult situation; how to forgive; how to create strong relationships with others). The cards were developed by the Relationships are 
Forever Foundation in Malta with the intention of helping children and young people to develop their skills in building strong relationships with their families, friends and other people they meet during their lives. The graphics in the Friendship Cards are constructed in such a way that each child can benefit from them with understanding. The front of the card contains an illustration of a feeling or behavior, along with a short title - the reverse contains topics and questions for reflection and conversation, and a reflection or suggestion of a possible course of action. The Foundation conducts training courses for people interested in using Friendship Cards. 

We have printed Friendship Cards in Ukrainian, we are preparing to print bilingual Polish-Ukrainian Friendship Cards. We are looking for a sponsor. 

We organize entertainment animations for children from Ukraine in the city of Krosno. We are renovating and equipping the Mozaika Pokoleń integration club, the activity of which will be extended to people from Ukraine. We will conduct classes for them in their language, but also integration, Polish and Ukrainian language lessons.
Prowadzimy pomoc prawną dla obywateli Ukrainy we współpracy z Okręgową Izbą Radców Prawnych w Rzeszowie. 

We provide legal assistance to Ukrainian citizens in cooperation with the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Rzeszów

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